We've almost made our goal of earning a second recycled plastic bench. We only need 85 pounds more to reach our 1,000 pound goal for soft plastics such as bubble wrap, water/soda carton wrappers, bread bags, some pet food bags, ziploc bags and more. Once our goal is reached, we will begin working on earning a third bench. And, even if we didn't receive a bench we would continue this important recycling program.
Trex, the company sponsoring this recycling program. states that 1,000 pounds of soft plastic is equivalent to up to 94,000 pounds of plastic bags that are found in the environment or our landfills. It's wonderful l to find a use to this plastic that we often see blowing down our streets or clogging our waterways and natural areas and even our neighborhoods. Many thanks to everyone who has helped us put this plastic to another beneficial use.