We've been selected as a charity for the 2025 Amazing Race for Charity on March 29th.
Do you know someone who would like to get out in the woods, see natural areas and maybe some wildlife but can’t due to physical limitations? On June 4th, we took delivery of an EcoRover chair and are excited that physical limitations will no longer restrict anyone from being able to enjoy the outdoors and nature. We are proud to be one of the first nature center’s in Florida to offer the use of this chair.
Learn what has been done to improve the mosquito situation at TLNC.
Did you know that as of 2020, the nonprofit sector is the 3rd biggest driver in the US economy?
Topping trees is a practice many people do trying to protect their trees from storm but often harms the tree. Learn more about this practice.
Learn about two simple ways to support TLNC through shopping or internet searches. Both are something many of us do every day. Using Goodshop and Goodsearch and selecting the Trout Lake Nature Center as your charity will help raise funds for us.
Last week we asked for help to clean our wildlife mounts something we try to do about twice a year. This year, we got behind and the job became more time consuming but you responded and people came out to help us clean. We want to thanks, Shawn, Athena, Esme, Rachel, Mary Ellen, Pauline, Lin, Kelly, Jeylen, and Courtney for their help today. The TLNC Exhibit and Museum Committee along with me are so grateful for your help. It made the task easier and we were able to do so much more that I thought we could. That shows the power of our volunteers and people willing to help out.
Find environmental and nature centers, national parks, state forest and more great outdoor locations in Florida and U.S. using this easy map locator.
Learn how to use cuttings to propagate native plants in your area.
Walking in the woods is enjoyable and many of us are getting outside for both our physical and mental health
If you’re enjoying the outdoors with your family and your child comes across a cute little wildlife critter
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