Help us out by contributing to the Mt. Dora Community Trust's Giving Week. Further information on how you can make your donation will be posted soon.

Revamped, improved and moved the Jungle Feast is now Celebrate Nature and will be held at the Venetian Center in Leesburg. Mark your calendar to support this event to raise funds for expanding TLNC's education facilities.
Help us out by contributing to the Mt. Dora Community Trust's Giving Week. Further information on how you can make your donation will be posted soon.
Help us out by contributing to the Mt. Dora Community Trust's Giving Week. Further information on how you can make your donation will be posted soon.
Join expert birder Bob Wexler to learn about birds at TLNC. Bring your camera and binoculars if you wish. $5 donation suggested.
Join expert birder Bob Wexler to learn about birds at TLNC. Bring your camera and binoculars if you wish. $5 donation suggested.
Help us out by contributing to the Mt. Dora Community Trust's Giving Week. Further information on how you can make your donation will be posted soon.
Help us out by contributing to the Mt. Dora Community Trust's Giving Week. Further information on how you can make your donation will be posted soon.
This group of volunteers works on our educational field trips as well as other education initiatives. New volunteers are encouraged to attend or inquire by emailing or calling (352) 357-7536.
Help us out by contributing to the Mt. Dora Community Trust's Giving Week. Further information on how you can make your donation will be posted soon.
This join potluck is to celebrate the holidays and put on by the Trout Lake Nature Center, Oklawaha Valley Audubon Society, Beautyberry Chapter of the NPS, In Focus Photo Club and PAWS Therapy dogs. All members and volunteers are invited to bring a cover dish to share, wear their holiday duds and spend some time with friends at this potluck

The traditional holiday event features an Open Mike. Folk Music Third Saturdays Concert. $7 at the door. The potluck will begin at 7 PM with music at 7:45. Bring a covered dish for the potluck.
This group of volunteers works on our financial affairs. New volunteers are encouraged to attend or inquire at (352) 357-7536.
This committee works on developing, researching, constructing and installing exhibits throughout the property and museum. Are you creative? Then this is the committee for you to get involved in.
This group of volunteers provides overall direction to this independent nonprofit. New volunteers are encouraged to attend or inquire at (352) 357-7536.

Join us for an afternoon of learning about the stars. Attendees will cut out, assemble and learn to use their very own star chart that they can take home and use around the world. Speaker Mike Ryan has developed this unique star chart that can be adjusted for use at different latitudes. This event is best suited for learners in middle school and beyond, but all ages are welcome to attend.
Email to register. Cost is $5/vehicle or free for TLNC members.
Mike Ryan is a retired Planetarium Director for Lake County Schools. After spending 42 years teaching in Florida, he has developed more than 30 astronomy-related activities for teachers to use worldwide. He has been a resident of Lake County since 1971.

This monthly program is for 2 to 5-year-old children and their favorite adults to learn about nature in an age-appropriate fashion. Making positive nature connections is important for your child's brain development, learning, and mental health. Register by calling or emailing the contact listed below. Cost is $5/vehicle or free for TLNC members.

Our dogs enjoy a good holiday tale, so bring your child and their favorite holiday story to read to the PAWS Therapy dogs. Entry fee to the property if $5/vehicle but all TLNC members enter for free.
Night can be a special time in the woods as the light fades and owls call to each other. Trout Lake Nature Center, 520 East CR 44, Eustis is offering the opportunity to experience this and more at a special after-hours event.
The night walk on our trails begins as the sun sets and is followed by music at a campfire. You may bring your beverage of choice and any food you prefer. Cocoa and coffee will be provided and you can roast marshmallows if you desire.
All activity takes place outdoors so dress for the weather. Don't forget a lawn chair or a musical instrument (if you play) and be prepared to take part in a special, relaxing time at TLNC.
Participation is limited to the first 30 guests to register. To register, go to, call 352-357-7536 or email Entry fee is $5/vehicle or free to TLNC members.
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