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A large spreading Live Oak tree is featured. This oak spreads out over 100 feet across and 80 feet tall
Grandfather Oak

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Inspired by Nature

Wednesday, October 12, 2022
1:30 pm3:30 pm
Trout Lake Nature Center, 520 East CR 44, Eustis
Program flyer

Nature has inspired many artists through the centuries and now is no different. As you walk through the woods, cross a meadow or watch a butterfly flutter, you can be inspired. In the coming months, the Trout Lake Nature Center will be offering ways to be inspired and then express yourself creatively.

Watercolor artist Ellen Westerholm will teach a series of four watercolor lessons. Westerholm provides the paint, brushes and paper along with instruction to create stunning paintings. Westerholm has taught painting for many years with great success and loves to share her passion for painting and creating with others.

The first class will be on October 12 from 1:30 to 3:30 PM at the Trout Lake Nature Center, 520 East CR 44, Eustis. The remaining classes take place on Nov. 9 from 1:30 to 3:30 PM, Jan. 14 from 10:30 AM to noon, and Feb. 8 from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. Cost for each class is $50. Go to to register for one or all of the classes. Because of the personalized instruction, the number of participants is limited and is on a first-registered, first-serve basis.

Join us to experience the thrill of painting a watercolor inspired by nature.

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520 East CR 44
Eustis, FL 32736-2518