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A large spreading Live Oak tree is featured. This oak spreads out over 100 feet across and 80 feet tall
Grandfather Oak

News & Events

Upcoming Events

Naturalist Program: Back to the Wild

Friday, May 17, 2024
6:30 pm7:30 pm
520 CR 44
Event flyer with an indigo snake and event details.

The Orianne Center for Indigo Conservation (OCIC) is the only captive breeding facility with the sole purpose of breeding, raising, and releasing Eastern Indigo snakes into restored and managed habitat. Nick Clark, supervisor and curator at the OCIC will share about the current restoration efforts and introduce program attendees to one of the center's live ambassador snakes.

Cost is $5/vehicle, free for TLNC members.

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  • City of Eustis
    City of Eustis
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  • AdventHealth
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520 East CR 44
Eustis, FL 32736-2518