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We will open on 10/12, and resume limited operations. Both buildings are undamaged and open. However, several trails are inaccessible due to downed trees and flooding. This includes the boardwalk to the lake. Other trails are passable, but are covered in leaf debris, small limbs, and muddy in spots. If you decide to visit, please keep this in mind. We will announce when all trails are accessible again.


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A large spreading Live Oak tree is featured. This oak spreads out over 100 feet across and 80 feet tall
Grandfather Oak

News & Events

Upcoming Events

Terror in the Fall Sky: The Andromeda Legend

Saturday, November 23, 2024
1:30 pm2:30 pm
520 East CR 44
Eustis, FL 32736

2000 years ago the Ancient Greeks were the first people who looked up at the night sky and divided up all of the stars into 88 groups, naming each for creatures, things, and people who were part of their legends and stories.

Retired Lake County Schools Planetarium Director Mike Ryan wants to share with you a fabulous story about five of the star groups that are part of a terror tale known to us as the famous Andromeda Legend. Star charts will also be given out to pinpoint these 5 constellations in the night sky during this time of year.

Entry to TLNC is $5/vehicle, TLNC members are free.

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  • MDCT
  • City of Eustis
    City of Eustis
  • Lake County
  • LCWA logo
    LCWA logo
  • AdventHealth
  • SECO Energy
  • Duke Energy
  • USB Logo
    USB Logo
520 East CR 44
Eustis, FL 32736-2518