Join us for Chair Yoga with Nancy. This gentle yoga class is a great way to start the day, stretch your body and improve or maintain your flexibility. Cost is $5/session payable to the instructor. Entry fees are waived for this program. Bring a mat, dress in loose fitting clothes and join us.
Join expert birder Bob Wexler to learn about birds at TLNC. Bring your camera and binoculars if you wish. $5 donation suggested.
Trout Lake Nature Center members provide a voice to guide the organization as it grows and changes. Join us for the 2023 Annual Membership Meeting on Saturday, February 4 from 9:00 to 10:30 AM. This meeting will include a progress update, bylaw changes, and installation of officers. Come for your chance to help guide our organization into the future.
R.S.V.P. at 352-357-7536 or email tlnc.info@gmail.com to ensure we have a quorum.
This is the monthly meeting of OVAS and accompanied by an educational presentation

Join us for outdoor yoga often held under the spreading branches of our Grandfather Oak. Sometimes the weather is brisk but that adds to the enjoyment of the practice of yoga outdoors. Well-behaved dogs can join the class with their owners often ending the session with a walk to the lake during cooler weather. Cost is $5/session which is collected by the instructor.

Join us for Chair Yoga with Nancy. This gentle yoga class is a great way to start the day, stretch your body and improve or maintain your flexibility. Cost is $5/session payable to the instructor. Entry fees are waived for this program. Bring a mat, dress in loose fitting clothes and join us.

Nature has inspired many artists through the centuries and now is no different. As you walk through the woods, cross a meadow or watch a butterfly flutter, you can be inspired. In the coming months, the Trout Lake Nature Center will be offering ways to be inspired and then express yourself creatively.
Watercolor artist Ellen Westerholm will teach a series of four watercolor lessons. Westerholm provides the paint, brushes and paper along with instruction to create stunning paintings. Westerholm has taught painting for many years with great success and loves to share her passion for painting and creating with others.
The first class will be on October 12 from 1:30 to 3:30 PM at the Trout Lake Nature Center, 520 East CR 44, Eustis. The remaining classes take place on Nov. 9 from 1:30 to 3:30 PM, Jan. 14 from 10:00 AM to noon, and Feb. 8 from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. Cost for each class is $50. Go to www.universe.com/art2022 to register for one or all of the classes. Because of the personalized instruction, the number of participants is limited and is on a first-registered, first-serve basis.
Join us to experience the thrill of painting a watercolor inspired by nature. For more information on the classes, call 352-357-7536 or email tlnc.director@gmail.com.

Join us for outdoor yoga often held under the spreading branches of our Grandfather Oak. Sometimes the weather is brisk but that adds to the enjoyment of the practice of yoga outdoors. Well-behaved dogs can join the class with their owners often ending the session with a walk to the lake during cooler weather. Cost is $5/session which is collected by the instructor.
Staff and volunteers provide a rotating program of environmental activities targeted to various grade levels. Sometimes portions of the building are unavailable due to the classes being taught. You might want to plan your visit around this field trip but you are welcome even when students are present.

Join us for Chair Yoga with Nancy. This gentle yoga class is a great way to start the day, stretch your body and improve or maintain your flexibility. Cost is $5/session payable to the instructor. Entry fees are waived for this program. Bring a mat, dress in loose fitting clothes and join us.
Education volunteers meeting for training, planning and to discuss upcoming programs. If you are interested in becoming an education volunteer plan to attend this meeting and call 352-357-7536.
Justin Elkins, Recreation Coordinator for the Lake County Office of Parks and Trails will share his knowledge of Florida’s history taking you from prehistoric Florida to the current age.
Elkins is a 7th generation Floridian who lives in the Green Swamp. He has worked, played and lived in the most remote areas of old Florida. He has spent many days collecting Florida artifacts and exploring what is left of old Florida. He will share his experiences and knowledge with the audience.
Trout Lake Nature Center charges a $5/vehicle entry fee for all non-TLNC members. No registration is required to attend but you are encouraged to come early since parking can be challenging.
TLNC will host the program for children and adults w/ physical and development disabilities who will be hiking, bird watching, and fishing. If you would like to volunteer to help with this program, call 352-357-7536.
Folk Music Third Saturdays Concert. $7 at the door. The potluck will begin at 7 PM with music at 7:45. Bring a covered dish for the potluck.
Get into nature at our Sunday Fundays!
Sunday Fundays are full of activities for all ages that give you a chance to have extra fun at Trout Lake Nature Center while learning about different living things.
At this event, there will be special stations with activities and games about Black Bears and other important species such as manatees, alligators, and eagles.
Special guests at this event include the Lake County Water Authority and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC).
Visitors can go to our different stations at their own pace throughout the event.
Upcoming Sunday Fundays:
Reptiles & More – March 19
Turtle Day – April 16
This group of volunteers works on our financial affairs. New volunteers are encouraged to attend or inquire at (352) 357-7536.

Join us for outdoor yoga often held under the spreading branches of our Grandfather Oak. Sometimes the weather is brisk but that adds to the enjoyment of the practice of yoga outdoors. Well-behaved dogs can join the class with their owners often ending the session with a walk to the lake during cooler weather. Cost is $5/session which is collected by the instructor.
Staff and volunteers provide a rotating program of environmental activities targeted to various grade levels. Sometimes portions of the building are unavailable due to the classes being taught. You might want to plan your visit around this field trip but you are welcome even when students are present.

Join us for Chair Yoga with Nancy. This gentle yoga class is a great way to start the day, stretch your body and improve or maintain your flexibility. Cost is $5/session payable to the instructor. Entry fees are waived for this program. Bring a mat, dress in loose fitting clothes and join us.

This monthly program is for 2 to 5-year-old children and their favorite adults to learn about nature in an age-appropriate fashion. Making positive nature connections is important for your child's brain development, learning, and mental health. Register by calling or emailing the contact listed below. Cost is $5/vehicle or free for TLNC members.
Staff and volunteers provide a rotating program of environmental activities targeted to various grade levels. Sometimes portions of the building are unavailable due to the classes being taught. You might want to plan your visit around this field trip but you are welcome even when students are present.
Staff and volunteers provide a rotating program of environmental activities targeted to various grade levels. Sometimes portions of the building are unavailable due to the classes being taught. You might want to plan your visit around this field trip but you are welcome even when students are present.

Nature has inspired many artists through the centuries and now is no different. As you walk through the woods, cross a meadow or watch a butterfly flutter, you can be inspired. In the coming months, the Trout Lake Nature Center will be offering ways to be inspired and then express yourself creatively.
Watercolor artist Ellen Westerholm will teach a series of four watercolor lessons. Westerholm provides the paint, brushes and paper along with instruction to create stunning paintings. Westerholm has taught painting for many years with great success and loves to share her passion for painting and creating with others.
The first class will be on October 12 from 1:30 to 3:30 PM at the Trout Lake Nature Center, 520 East CR 44, Eustis. The remaining classes take place on Nov. 9 from 1:30 to 3:30 PM, Jan. 14 from 10:00 AM to noon, and Feb. 8 from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. Cost for each class is $50. Go to www.universe.com/art2022 to register for one or all of the classes. Because of the personalized instruction, the number of participants is limited and is on a first-registered, first-serve basis.
Join us to experience the thrill of painting a watercolor inspired by nature. For more information on the classes, call 352-357-7536 or email tlnc.director@gmail.com.
Night can be a special time in the woods as the light fades and owls call to each other. Trout Lake Nature Center, 520 East CR 44, Eustis is offering the opportunity to experience this and more at a special after-hours event.
The night walk on our trails begins as the sun sets and is followed by music at a campfire. You may bring your beverage of choice and any food you prefer. Cocoa and coffee will be provided and you can roast marshmallows if you desire.
All activity takes place outdoors so dress for the weather. Don't forget a lawn chair or a musical instrument (if you play) and be prepared to take part in a special, relaxing time at TLNC.
Participation is limited to the first 30 guests to register. To register, go to www.universe.com/walkcampfirenov2022, call 352-357-7536 or email tlnc.director@gmail.com. Entry fee is $5/vehicle or free to TLNC members.

Bring your well-mannered dog and join the TLNC pack for a quiet walk on our trails where we end up at the Education Dock. This is an opportunity for you to socialize and your dog to socialize. No reservations are required. All dogs must be kept on a 6 foot lead and owners must pick up after their dogs. Entry fee to TLNC is $5/vehicle. All TLNC members (both dogs and humans) have free entry to our facilities.
This committee works on developing, researching, constructing and installing exhibits throughout the property and museum. Are you creative? Then this is the committee for you to get involved in.
This group of volunteers provides overall direction to this independent nonprofit. New volunteers are encouraged to attend or inquire at (352) 357-7536.

Join us for outdoor yoga often held under the spreading branches of our Grandfather Oak. Sometimes the weather is brisk but that adds to the enjoyment of the practice of yoga outdoors. Well-behaved dogs can join the class with their owners often ending the session with a walk to the lake during cooler weather. Cost is $5/session which is collected by the instructor.
Staff and volunteers provide a rotating program of environmental activities targeted to various grade levels. Sometimes portions of the building are unavailable due to the classes being taught. You might want to plan your visit around this field trip but you are welcome even when students are present.
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